
Eagle Crest on Nextdoor

By Barbara Tomlin

As of August 2021, the Eagle Crest Resort neighborhoods have become quite active on Nextdoor. Whether you live there or thinking of buying property there, following the Eagle Crest Neighborhood feed on Nextdoor could prove worthwhile. Not a member? Follow this link to join Eagle Crest neighbors there.

About Nextdoor

Nextdoor is part of the Facebook Audience NetworkThe Facebook Audience Network empowers app developers and publishers to deliver better, localized user experiences. Members of FAN can grow a revenue stream with quality demand from Facebook’s global advertisers. Follow this link to learn all about how the Facebook Audience Network works. Facebook membership is not required to join Nextdoor. 

Sharing Media on Nextdoor

As of August 2021, photos and videos posted on NextDoor must be a 16×9 ratio. This is the standard ratio for landscape video (16:9 aspect ratio resolutions: 1024×576, 1152×648, 1280×720, 1366×768, 1600×900, 1920×1080, 2560×1440, and 3840×2160). Photo file sizes must be under 7 megabytes and video file size limited to 50 megabytes (typically 5 minutes of video). Note that the most popular videos on YouTube these days are only 2 minutes long. Visit the NextDoor help page for further insight. Depending on the project, it may be best to submit links to videos hosted on external sites such as YouTube or Vimeo.

Important Nextdoor Help URLs

Login is not required to view Nextdoor Help documents.

  • Community Guidelines, Leads, and Section 230 of the CDA
    This document also includes links to Community Guidelines, Member Service Agreement, Privacy Policy and Abuse Reporting
  • Nextdoor Member Neighborhood Newsfeed
    As of January 2022, Nextdoor made some changes to what is easily visible when logging in. Rather than dropping to the neighborhood newsfeed, when one signs in, they are sent to the general newsfeed. The Home button also resolves to the general newsfeed. This link points directly to the neighborhood newsfeed.
  • Nextdoor Bookmarks
    Regular Nextdoor users find bookmarking posts they want to return to useful.
  • Nextdoor Groups

Nextdoor Groups

While anything posted to the neighborhood newsfeed is open to at least everyone on Nextdoor who has elected to follow it, the visibility of group posts can be regulated by the group creator. Click on this link to learn about creating Nextdoor groups. On August 29, 2021, Barbara Tomlin created a private group for RECOA members concerned about the upcoming board election in November 2021. Eagle Crest residents had to be RECOA members to join the group. As of Monday, December 21, 2021, there were 70 members in the RECOA Communications group. Once the election was over, I decided to change the name and focus of the group to cover the interests of all Eagle Crest CDP residents. To ensure only Eagle Crest residents participate, group memberships are vetted.


Nextdoor Roles

On September 11, 2021, I learned that neighborhoods were assigned Welcome Teams, Community Reviewers, and Leads. The role of Leads is closer to Facebook group admins and the role of Community Reviewers is closer to Facebook Group moderators. To find out who from the local community is serving in one of these roles, go to the neighborhood directory.

Nextdoor Connections

I was notified of the new Nextdoor Connections feature on December 1, 2021. This feature enables to “connect” on Nextdoor with neighbors they know (or want to know) better. Once two neighbors connect on Nextdoor, they will see each other’s messages highlighted in the newsfeed and in notifications. In addition, neighbors who are connected can view each other’s connections, see who they know in common, and @mention or “tag” each other in messages. To see a list of current or pending connections on Nextdoor, log in and click on this link.