August 29, 2021 – This morning I decided to search for “Eagle Crest Resort Information” on YouTube and was amazed at what I was able to bring up. I decided to share my findings here in hopes of stimulating story ideas and commentary. The one below is of drone footage shot March 21, 2021 by a Mavic Mini Drone, published the next day by the Ryan Jones Drone Channel on YouTube. At the time of my posting, there had been 55 views of this footage. Ryan is a video production hobbyist, testing out his skills on YouTube. He’s posted several drone videos of the area to date. Be sure to click on the Videos tab for his channel to find more Eagle Crest Resort footage.
Click here to watch “mavic mini drone flight march 21 2021 Eagle Crest Resort area Redmond Oregon” directly on YouTube. While you are there, be sure to check out the suggested videos YouTube brings up when you are watching this.
–BarbTUSA, Publisher